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Data Preparation Overview


OtasML is an advanced visual machine-learning tool designed to empower users to create, train, and evaluate machine-learning models with ease. A crucial aspect of any machine learning workflow is data preparation, which ensures that the data is in the best possible shape for training robust and accurate models. OtasML provides a comprehensive suite of features for data preparation, allowing users to clean and prepare their features before training. This article provides an overview of the various sections and functionalities within the data preparation module of OtasML.

Remove Duplicates

Duplicate entries can skew the results of your analysis and models. OtasML includes a feature to remove duplicates from your dataset, ensuring that each data point is unique and contributes to the model's accuracy.

Feature Scaling

Feature scaling is essential for optimizing the performance of many machine-learning algorithms. OtasML offers several scaling methods:

  • Min-Max Scaling: Scales feature a fixed range, typically between 0 and 1.
  • Standardization: Scales features to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
  • Robust Scaler: Scales features using statistics that are robust to outliers.
  • MaxAbsScaler: Scales features by dividing by the maximum absolute value.
  • PowerTransformer: Applies a power transformation to make data more Gaussian-like.
  • QuantileTransformer: Transforms features to follow a uniform or normal distribution.
  • Normalizer: Scales each sample to have a unit norm (e.g., L1 or L2 normalization).

Categorical Features

Handling categorical data effectively is crucial for building predictive models. OtasML provides three methods for encoding categorical features:

  • One-Hot Encoding (OHC): Converts categorical variables into a series of binary columns.
  • Label Encoding: Assigns each unique category a numerical label.
  • Ordinal Encoding: Converts categories into ordinal numbers based on a specified order.

Standardize Data Text

Consistent text data is vital for natural language processing and other text-based analyses. OtasML includes options to standardize text data:

  • Lower: Converts all characters to lowercase.
  • Upper: Converts all characters to uppercase.
  • Title: Converts the first character of each word to uppercase and the remaining characters to lowercase.
  • Capitalize: Converts the first character to uppercase and the remaining characters to lowercase.
  • Swapcase: Converts uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa.
  • Casefold: Removes all case distinctions in the string, suitable for caseless matching.

Convert Data Type

Correct data types are essential for accurate analysis and modeling. OtasML allows users to convert data types:

  • Float: Converts data to float type.
  • Integer: Converts data to integer type.
  • Boolean: Converts data to boolean type.
  • DateTime: Converts data to DateTime type.
  • String: Converts data to string type.
  • Category: Converts data to category type.

Handle Date and Time

Extracting and transforming date and time features can provide valuable insights for time series analysis and other temporal data applications. OtasML includes:

  • Datetime to Unix: Converts human-readable date and time to Unix timestamp.
  • Datetime Extraction: Extracts various date and time features (e.g., year, month, day) from datetime variables.

Data Visualization

Understanding data through visualization is key to effective analysis. OtasML offers over 20 different charts and visualizations to help users analyze their data, identify patterns, and gain insights.

Handle Missing Values

Handling missing values appropriately can significantly impact model performance. OtasML provides several methods to address missing data:

  • Backfill: Fills missing values in backward direction.
  • Bfill: Replaces NULL values with the next row's value.
  • Pad/Ffill: Forward-fills missing values using the most recent non-missing value.
  • Drop: Removes rows containing missing values.
  • Fill0: Replaces missing values with zero.
  • Median: Replaces missing values with the median value.
  • Mean: Replaces missing values with the mean value.


The data preparation module in OtasML is designed to equip users with a comprehensive set of tools for cleaning and preparing their data efficiently. By leveraging these features, users can ensure their datasets are well-prepared for training high-quality machine learning models. Whether you're handling duplicates, scaling features, encoding categorical data, standardizing text, converting data types, handling dates and times, visualizing data, or dealing with missing values, OtasML provides robust solutions to streamline the data preparation process.


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