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Heatmap for Confusion Matrix (All Classes) chart


This chart displays a heatmap representation of the confusion matrix, providing a visual interpretation of the model's performance across all classes.

Chart's configurations


  • Default Value: 500 pixels
  • Description: Provide a specific height value for the chart. Only integer values are allowed, and this will help maintain the aspect ratio of the chart.

Chart Title

  • Max Length: 80 characters
  • Default Value: None
  • Description: The chart title is the headline of your data story. It succinctly describes the main theme or purpose of the chart, providing a quick overview of the insights presented.
    • Note: You can use the tag {{None}} to display nothing.

X-axis Title

  • Max Length: 80 characters
  • Default Value: None
  • Description: The X-axis title labels the horizontal axis of your chart, providing context for the variable or time scale represented. It serves as a key reference point for understanding the data along the X-axis.
    • Note: You can use the tag {{None}} to display nothing.

Y-axis Title

  • Max Length: 80 characters
  • Default Value: None
  • Description: The Y-axis title labels the vertical axis of your chart, indicating the scale or measurement of the displayed data. It serves as a key reference point for understanding the data along the Y-axis.
    • Note: You can use the tag {{None}} to display nothing.

Paper Color

  • Default Value: #FFFFFF  
  • Description: The paper color refers to the background color of your paper of chart. It sets the overall visual tone and can impact the readability of your data.

Plot Color

  • Default Value: #e2edff  
  • Description: The plot color defines the color scheme used for the main elements within the chart. Thoughtful selection of plot colors enhances visual appeal and aids in conveying information effectively.

Font Color

  • Default Value: #000  
  • Description: The font color refers to the color of the text within your chart, including titles, labels, and annotations. Selecting an appropriate font color is essential for readability and ensuring that the text stands out against the background.


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